Monday, January 30, 2017

A Journey Begins

Regardless of your stance on the current political happenings, the one thing I think we can all agree on is that the world doesn't need one more political blog. So -- this is not that. I promise. This is a reminder that there is always good in the world; there is always a light in the darkness, no matter how deep the night.

My goal over the next eleven months is to introduce myself to those who are in the midst of the fight. It is my hope that, through these introductions, I will ease the anxiety in my heart, and cause an awareness to ripple outward. I am on the hunt for the world changers and will highlight human rights, civil rights, international, and domestic issues.

This is both a personal journey and a heart cry. This blog will begin in one state, come with me as my family crosses the country, and end up living in another. I'm excited to see what opportunities this will offer.

I have an amazing group of friends and acquaintances, and I am hoping to pull from your knowledge and participation to get this thing jump started. If you have a cause close to your heart or one you're curious about, please contact me. I'd love to add my voice to the fray!